Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm like an onion...not in the sense that my ass is phat, but that i have layers...

Not to reiterate the stereotype of "a woman that doesn't know what she wants...
but in complete contrast to my first two submissions
(where i shitted on relationships),
I once again have been swayed and am now in reflection of
what my heart is telling me...
In another submission of
"Bored teenager with no hobby"
I eagerly announce that I am finished 'shitting on'
(talking negatively of)
It seems once again, music has somewhat given me new hope in humanity. Now I'm no fool. I know the deep, dark secret about love songs. They use the most powerful of weapons (words) over the universal language (music) and provoke lust, desire, passion, and yearning...all of the most driving emotions and feelings that make love as potent as it is. And yet, upon listening to a song from Usher's latest album (many have said that he has 'fallen off', and I kind of agree, but this song got me feeling some kind of way...{shivers}).....

I realize that people just need that (physical, emotional) connection with another person sometimes, even if it's primarily based on an infatuation or even just sexual attraction. We fake it 'til we make it. It's like, it's getting late...the club's about to end...and everyone is hugged up, ready to go make 'love' to this perfect stranger...and pretend for a while, that they aren't alone in this world...and that, they have someone who wants to take them to that high (climax) that only a significant other can bring. I don't blame them...

I just refuse to pretend anymore.
Time is a precious thing to waste, playing around with someone else's
perfect mate.
And, frankly, I don't want MY perfect match all used and abused
with tons of luggage
when he arrives at my doorstep.
He should still have the courage to believe in a love that lasts,
and be willing to fight for that love...because he believes
that I am the only one for him.
I think I will do the same for him.

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